Arkansas Cyber Defense Center
The ACDC helps small businesses, municipalities, counties, schools, utilities, and others boost their cyber defense readiness and cope with potentially devastating cyber attacks. By reaching out to the ACDC, you’re not only protecting your organization, you’re adding to the state’s collective digital intelligence, helping protect all of us.
If you feel you’re a victim of a cyber attack, or simply feel vulnerable, we’ll make sure you receive access to the best resources available.

Access FREE services or report a cyber incident: Call 501-239-9599
We keep our community cyber-aware through individual and group presentations. Quality cyber awareness can make you more alert and more protected.
Are your cyber measures adequate to defending against a breach? We assess & identify key areas of cyber risk & the maturity level of practices.
We provide training webinars for several key areas of cyber-defense. The best defense is a workforce trained to identify and even counter cyber threats.
Anyone may call the ACDC to report a cyber incident and seek next-step resources. Our state’s cyber defense is only as strong as its weakest link.

Subscribe to Monthly ACDC Newsletter
Collective Defense Starts with the ACDC
Free Webinars
Quick How-to Guides
Cyber Advisories
Free Resources

The first step is easy.
Request a FREE cyber assessment today!
Call (501) 239-9599 or click “Get Started!”
The ACDC is funded, in part, through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. All opinions, and/or recommendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA.