Consortium for Cyber Innovation (CCI)
Collaborations for Regional Industry Growth
Robust Workforce
Expands non-traditional pipeline into higher education & create continuum of learning opportunities.
Applied Research
Funded opportunities for students, faculty & industry to develop next-gen capabilities.
Development of partnerships and programs that leverage local assets to enhance regional industry cluster.
Funded Research Projects
Consortium Members
“The CCI represents a strong and strategic alliance of academic and industry partners collaborating to source new opportunities, develop next-generation capabilities and grow the region as a leader in this new industry cluster.”
-Lee Watson, Chairman & CEO of Forge Institute
The CyberLearnNetwork (part of the CCI) is the State’s approach to facilitating excellence and shared resources among its 2 and 4 year colleges and universities. To learn more about the initiative and explore ways your school can participate, please reach out to Dr. Erin Finzer.