Charles Geiger
In the beginning of 2021, I started to think about what I wanted to do after my military career. I was eighteen months away from retirement and had some very big decisions to make. I had spent my 20 years in the Air Force as a mechanic on various aircraft. I started on the HH-60 Pave Hawk helicopter supporting Combat Search and Rescue. I deployed all over the world and I loved what I did. After my time in rescue, I transitioned to C-130 J models at Little Rock Air Force Base for some years. Finally, the Air Force decided it wanted me to support the F-35 Program
As my career came to an end I knew one thing, I didn’t want to turn wrenches anymore. I was tired of being outside in the hot in the summer and cold in the winter. I wanted to transition into a technology related career, something that wouldn’t take a toll on me anymore. I started my search for a Skillbridge with a focus on IT. Skillbridge is a DOD based program in which they allow service members to spend up to 180 days working with a private sector employer to gain the necessary skills to smoothly transition from military to civilian work life. This transition is one of the hardest things I’ve had to deal with. Forge has helped smooth that major life change. They supported and helped me change my mindset from military style to corporate private sector. Forge has also helped me transition into an IT related career field. During my time at Forge, I attended the Cyber Fundamentals course they offer. This course taught me cyber competencies and the practical skills I needed in order to start down my desired path. I was able to leverage my project management experience by letting me take the reins with the Emerging Threat Center. It’s very intimidating leading a project that is so focused on something you know so little about. I used my Project Management Professional certification and skills to help build that program and grow it from a concept on paper to a functioning model. Forge also offers coaching sessions led by professionals in different areas. Through these coaching sessions I was able to learn interview skills, resume tips, and get some excellent mentorship opportunities with some very knowledgeable people.
Transitioning out of the military and all of the unknowns that come with it is the most challenging thing, but Forge gave me the confidence and skills to make that less a threat and more an opportunity. I am very proud of my accomplishments while in the military but I am looking forward to the unknown ahead and what I can achieve. Forge gave me the skills and confidence to help me land a job as a Senior Professional Project Manager for technical account delivery.