Vision & Valor Lee Watson Vision & Valor Lee Watson

Vision & Valor - Nov 8 2024

Forge Institute is pleased to announce our inaugural

Arkansas Veterans Economic Empowerment Dinner!

We are pleased to invite you to join us for this special opportunity to hear about key updates from the Forge Institute Fellowship Program, hear how the state of Arkansas is enhancing access to veteran talent, and meet some of our current and former Fellows who are transitioning from military service and looking to make the Natural State their home. At this dinner, you’ll have a chance to network with some of the most mission-driven individuals in our state! 


Individual tickets are $150 or host a table (8 guests & 2 Fellows) for $1,500. Register by October 1st at:

Event sponsorships are available. Email

for details.

Forge Institute is pleased to announce our inaugural

Arkansas Veterans Economic Empowerment Dinner!

We are pleased to invite you to join us for this special opportunity to hear about key updates from the Forge Institute Fellowship Program, hear how the state of Arkansas is enhancing access to veteran talent, and meet some of our current and former Fellows who are transitioning from military service and looking to make the Natural State their home. At this dinner, you’ll have a chance to network with some of the most mission-driven individuals in our state! 

Friday, November 8, 2024 / 6 to 9 pm

The Capital Hotel

111 Markham Street, Little Rock, AR 72201

Welcome Reception & Cocktail Hour

Arkansas-is-Veterans Presentation

Col. (Ret.) Rob Ator, Director, Military Affairs, AR Department of Commerce

Distinguished Speaker Remarks (Invited)

Hon. Sarah Huckabee-Sanders, Governor

BG Olen Chad Bridges, Adjutant General, Arkansas National Guard

MG (Ret.) Kendall Penn

Corporate Executive



Individual tickets are $150 or host a table (8 guests & 2 Fellows) for $1,500. Register by October 1st at:

Event sponsorships are available. Emailfellowship@forge.institutefor details.

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